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Elementary School : K - 5

Lower K – 5th - Elementary

K-5 students learn the core subjects of math, science, language arts, and social studies in a positive, supportive environment led by teachers who care about the whole child, not just academics. Students in our Elementary school program also attend classes in International Studies, Environmental Studies, PE/Health, Music, and Fine Arts. Beginning in Kindergarten, students begin an intensive study of Spanish.

Elementary - K-5  Who are we as a division

CIS Elementary offers kindergarten through fifth grade a global and environmental educational approach that builds the foundation for a lifetime of continuous learning. We follow the NC Common Core Standards and the mandates as it relates to testing grades 3-5. Both the academic and psychological needs of a child must be nurtured if total and continuous learning is to take place. The best learning environment is one that encourages cooperation rather than individual competition. The school counselors collaborate with the parents and the teachers to ensure that each child is receiving the best emotional support possible. By connecting home and school students build an added sense of confidence and support. Highlights about the elementary program: Smaller class size leading to better teacher- student ratio. Additional outdoor learning/physical exercise, which includes walks on the nature trail. K-5 teachers love what they do many have been a part of the CIS family since inception. Teachers strive to meet the needs of the diverse learner. Our engaging environment builds strong foundations of academic and critical thinking that lead to future opportunities for college and career readiness. Teachers strive to connect students by providing engaging lessons for the Auditory, Visual & Kinesthetic and Tactical learner. The ultimate goal is to equip our students with strategies through exploring different learning styles.

Yesterday we began our Force & Motion unit with a lesson about push, pull, and friction. Sheldon is demonstrating "push" this morning! ~Mrs. Hieb

Kindergarten Camouflage Lesson

Working together with Cabarrus Soil and Water Conservation!

We are birds trying to pick up worms.

We have to fly and use our beaks.

It is difficult to see some of the worms.